Aster L. in part, Harvey: 69 (1865); Phillips: 782 (1951). Charieis Cass.: 68 (1817b); Grau: 255 (1973), genus proposed for rejection.
Annual or perennial herbs or shrublets. Leaves alternate, opposite, or in basal rosette, sometimes tufted, mostly entire, rarely toothed, often linear to lanceolate, pubescent or rarely glabrous. Capitula radiate, rarely discoid, mostly solitary, terminal, pedunculate. Involucre hemispherical to campanulate; bracts in 3 or 4 rows, imbricate, unequal or strictly in 2 rows, equal. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Rayflorets female, fertile or rarely sterile, in 1 row, strap-shaped; corolla blue, mauve, pink or white, rarely yellow; 0 in 1 species. Staminodes sometimes present. Discflorets bisexual, fertile, rarely all inner ones functionally male, tubular, slightly dilated above, 5-lobed, yellow. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; apical appendage triangular. Style branches narrowly oblong, apex with triangular appendage, with conspicuous pollen-sweeping hairs. Cypselas compressed, obovate with thickened margins, mostly hairy, bright brown or black. Pappus in 1 row, of persistent or caducous scabrid or barbellate bristles, rarely 0 in ray florets. x = 9 (5, 6, 8) (polyploidy).
Species 83, sthn Afr. to Nigeria, Ethiopia and Saudi Arabia; 78 in sthn Afr., widespread.