Senecio L. in part, Harvey: 346 (1865). Gynura Cass. in part, Phillips: 832 (1951).
Perennial herbs, erect or climbing, or sometimes subshrubs, glabrous or hispid-pubescent. Leaves alternate, entire to pinnately dissected, margins dentate. Capitula discoid, solitary to corymbose, pedunculate, few- to many-flowered. Involucre oblong or campanulate, calyculate; bracts in 1 row, free, with membranous margin. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Discflorets bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow, red or blue; tube expanded above, with 5 linear to lanceolate lobes. Anthers linear, ecalcarate and ecaudate, with lanceolate or deltoid apical appendage; endothecial tissue radial. Style branches linear, truncate, penicillate, tipped with well-defined subulate appendage of fused papillae. Cypselas cylindric, ribbed. Pappus of many, fine, white bristles. x = 10 (polyploidy).
Species 24, Africa, Madagascar, Mascarene Islands, Yemen; 5 in sthn Afr., widespread in summer-rainfall parts but absent from North-West and Free State.