
Tufted annual herbs. Leaves alternate, spathulate, +/- truncate, mucronate, sessile, lower surface white-woolly, (hair type B), eglandular; margin flat, entire. Capitula disciform, cylindric, solitary or crowded at ends of branches. Involucralbracts in several rows, papery, brownish, transparent; stereome undivided. Receptacle smooth, flat, epaleate. Marginalflorets female, outnumbering disc florets; corolla filiform, purple. Discflorets bisexual; corolla purple, narrowly tubular, lobes erect, with hairs on back. Anthers ecalcarate, caudate with short tails +/- equalling filament collar, with acute apical appendage; endothecial tissue polarised. Style bifid; style branches narrowly linear, pointed, with obtuse sweeping hairs extending to point of division. Cypselas turbinate, villous with elongated, not myxogenic twin hairs, hairs unicellular with thickened walls and basal cushion; epidermis smooth. Pappus bristles plumose, bases connate in ring. x = 7 (1 report, polyploidy).
Species 3, South America; 1 naturalised in sthn Afr.: *Facelis retusa (Lam.) Sch.Bip., KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.

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