Small shrubs, woolly. Leaves alternate, obovate, entire or apically 3-5-dentate, spine-tipped, fleshy. Capitula radiate, solitary, sessile, terminal, many-flowered. Involucre campanulate; bracts in several rows, chartaceous, glabrous, spine-tipped. Receptacle areolate, epaleate. Rayflorets female, fertile; corolla yellow; tube with oblong-elliptic, 3-toothed lamina shorter than tube; staminodes present. Discflorets bisexual; corolla yellow, tube widening above, deeply 5-lobed, with linear lobes. Anthers calcarate and caudate; with linear, apical appendage. Style slender, with long style branches, with short 2- or 3-celled hairs along branches and on shaft. Cypselas oblong-obovoid, densely sericeous. Pappus of stout, scabrid-barbellate bristles.
Monotypic, endemic to sthn Afr.: Eremothamnus marlothianus O.Hoffm., Namibia.
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