Perennial herbs, prostrate. Leaves alternate, entire or dentate, narrowly elliptic. Capitula radiate, solitary, corymbose or paniculate, pedunculate. Involucre hemispherical or campanulate; bracts in several rows, linear, often hairy. Receptacle flat or slightly convex, epaleate. Rayflorets female, in 1, rarely 2, rows; corolla pinkish or white; tube cylindric, with short narrow, bifid lamina. Discflorets few, bisexual, rarely functionally male, fertile; corolla yellow, tube cylindric, sometimes slightly widened above, 5(4)-lobed. Anthers ecalcarate and ecaudate; with linear-lanceolate, apical appendage. Style branches narrowly oblong, flattened, tip triangular with short pollen-sweeping hairs outside. Cypselas oblong, compressed, usually margined, glabrous or pubescent. Pappus bristles few or copious, in 2 +/- distinct rows. x = 9 (8, 13) (aneuploids, high polyploidy, B-chromosomes).
Species +/- 200, North and South America, Eurasia; 1 naturalised in sthn Afr.: *Erigeron karvinskianus DC., Northern Province, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Swaziland and Western Cape.
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