Perennial herbs, with tuberous rootstock or fusiform roots; sap milky. Leaves often sessile. Flowers in umbels; umbels sessile or pedunculate, few to several, lateral at nodes, or a single, terminal umbel. Sepals 5, sometimes with scales within sinuses. Corolla 5-lobed nearly to base, with lobes erect to reflexed. Corona of 5 lobes arising from staminal column; lobes fleshy, +/- as thick as broad, sometimes bifid or obscurely 3-lobed, keelless or with one longitudinal median keel on inner face, never cucullate nor complicate nor with process from inner face. Staminal column arising from base of corolla. Anthers 2-locular, terminated by a membranous, ovate or transversely oblong appendage, rarely spurred at base; pollinia pendulous, caudicles short. Follicles smooth or with slender processes. Seeds oblong, convex on one side, depressed on reverse, with rim tubercled and with apical tuft of hairs.
Species +/- 40, Africa; 21 in sthn Afr., widespread in all countries and provinces, in grassland.