Perennial herbs, with fusiform roots and usually a single, unbranched, slender stem. Leaves sessile, slender. Flowers in 2-more-flowered, subsessile or pedunculate, lateral or terminal umbels. Sepals 5, ovate or lanceolate, often acuminate. Corolla cream, with urceolate or campanulate tube, sometimes with decurrent ridges within, alternating with lobes, often bearded within mouth or with 5 small tufts of hairs in throat; lobes 5, oblong or ovate, sometimes hairy on face. Corona partly adnate to staminal column by lower, central part of face and as long as or longer than staminal column, of 5 lobes; lobes ovate, deltoid-ovate, oblong, rhomboid, or broadly cuneate, obtuse or acute, entire or 3-toothed with lateral teeth small and central tooth large or prolonged into a subulate or filiform, erect or incurved point. Anthers 2-locular, with membranous, apical appendage. Pollinia erect, terete, linear or oblong, sometimes curved, often pellucid on one margin; caudicles shorter than pollinia. Follicles slender, smooth, tapering into beak. Seeds with tuft of hairs.
Species 13, tropical Africa and sthn Afr., widespread in grassland, excluding Namibia and Botswana.