
Perennial herbs with flowering shoots produced annually from a tuber and dying back each year; all parts exuding a milky latex. Stems erect, simple or sparsely branched, with opposite and decussate lines of indumentum throughout. Leaves simple, entire, opposite and decussate or less often verticillate or irregularly inserted; petiole short; leaf base often sagittate, apex acute or obtuse, margin usually revolute; upper leaf surface usually with an indumentum of appressed scabrid hairs; lower leaf surface with pilose midrib, lamina +/- glabrous except for sparsely pilose lateral nerves. Inflorescences extra-axillary umbels, always pedunculate (except in S. bidens subsp. pachyglossum), several to many per stem, few- to many-flowered; bracteoles filiform, inconspicuous; inflorescence axes pilose. Calyx shorter than corolla; segments triangular, dorsally appressed-pilose, ventrally glabrous, with ciliate margin. Corolla contorted in bud, with lobes overlapping to the left; lobes elliptic, either flat or slightly cucullate or replicate, with variable indumentum; when margin ciliate, hairs present on both right- and left-hand margins. Corona lobes alternating with petals, each representing a dorsal outgrowth from opposing stamen; form of corona variable, lobes dorsiventrally flattened and often with 1 or 2 appendages on ventral face. Stamens united at base to form a hollow column from which corona lobes arise; each anther comprising a central area of 2 thecae, each containing one pollinium, an apical membranous appendage lying against or cupped over gynostegium, and two horny lateral margins; margins of adjacent anthers closely opposed, forming a narrow gynostegial groove between them, blocked at its upper end by a corpuscle. Pollinia pendulous, obtriangular, ellipsoid, reniform or sausage-shaped, dorsiventrally compressed, always with a germination zone present on circumference but never at point of attachment to caudicle; caudicles short, slender or somewhat flattened; corpuscle sometimes flanged. Ovary of 2 free carpels concealed within staminal column; styles tapering upwards, then uniting and broadening into a flat or umbonate style head. Follicles covered with long, soft appressed bristles, surface of carpel and bristles densely crispate-pubescent; fruiting peduncle elongating and pedicels becoming once-coiled at apex. Seeds many, compressed-ovoid with dark brown rugose testa and apical tuft of hairs of fine white hairs.
Species +/- 80, Africa; 27 in sthn Afr., widespread and mainly in grassland, excluding Namibia and Botswana.

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Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith