Perennial herbs with tuberous rootstock, usually single-stemmed, erect. Leaves shortly petiolate, penninerved. Flowers in sessile or pedunculate umbels, lateral at nodes and terminal. Sepals 5, with scales within base. Corolla deeply 5-lobed; lobes with revolute margin. Corona arising from base of staminal column, of 5 lobes; lobes dorsally flattened, deeply trilobulate; lobules sinulate, ovate-oblong or side lobules linear-oblong and middle one usually curved. Anthers 2-locular, with a membranous appendage; pollinia pendulous, ovate or somewhat quadrate; caudicles shorter than pollinia; corpuscle with narrow, membranous wings. Style head flat, 5-angled. Follicles with short, spine-like processes.
Species 3, sthn Afr., Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal to Eastern Cape.
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