Perennial, slender herbs with small, tuberous rootstock. Leaves sessile, linear or filiform. Flowers 1-3 together, in sessile or pedunculate fascicles, or in slender racemes or panicles. Sepals lanceolate, as long as or longer than corolla tube. Corolla with a shortly campanulate tube; lobes much longer than tube, linear, linear-spatulate, or filiform. Corona 2-seriate, small, arising from staminal column above its base; outer corona of 5 broadly ovate or subquadrate lobes or of minute pouches; inner corona lobes 5, linear-subulate or filiform, incumbent on backs of anthers. Staminal column arising from base of corolla, included in corolla tube. Anthers 2-locular, usually without appendages. Pollinia ellipsoid, subascending, with short caudicles. Follicles erect, somewhat diverging, slender, smooth. Seeds crowned with a tuft of hairs.
Species 7, Africa; 4 in sthn Afr., widespread excluding Namibia, Free State and Lesotho.
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