Balfouria R.Br.: 70 (1811). Anasser Blanco: 112 (1837) non Juss. (1789). Piagiaea Chiov.: 290 (1932). Walidda Pichon: 87 (1951). Scleranthera Pichon: 88 (1951).
Trees or shrubs. Leaves opposite, entire or faintly crenate, shortly petiolate, lanceolate or ovate-lanceolate; stipules 0. Inflorescence a terminal or pseudoaxillary cyme. Flowers small to rather large, usually scented. Calyx divided almost to base, glandular within; sepals imbricate, ovate. Corolla +/- salver-shaped; tube cylindric, usually short, with variously divided or entire, connate or free appendages in throat (rarely without); lobes longer than tube, overlapping to the left. Stamens inserted in mouth of corolla; filaments short, stout, with tuft of hairs at back; anthers 4-locular, conniving in a cone, exserted, lanceolate, acute to acuminate, sagittate, with a small, projecting appendage from foot of connective. Disc a narrow rim or 0. Ovary of 2 free carpels; style filiform; stigma capitate with small or obscure frill at base and minute, cleft tip. Mericarps 2, follicular, cylindric or spindle-shaped, subparallel. Seeds cylindric or spindle-shaped, glabrous except for basal tuft of hairs. x = 11.
Species 23, Old World, 2 in Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: Wrightia natalensis Stapf, Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal.
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