Erect or prostrate, annual herbs. Leaves opposite, sessile or petiolate, simple, margins dentate or pinnatisect. Capitula radiate; solitary, sessile or pedunculate, in leaf axils or forks of branches. Involucre in 2 rows; outer bracts herbaceous, inner enlarging in fruit, indurate, spiny, enveloping cypselas of ray florets. Receptacle conical, paleate. Ray florets 5-8, female fertile; corolla yellow, shortly strap-shaped. Style branches linear, obtuse. Cypselas oblong, smooth, tightly enveloped in one of the involucral bracts. Pappus 0. Disc florets bisexual, functionally male; corolla yellow, usually campanulate with narrow tube, 5-toothed. Anthers with obtuse bases, apical appendage present. Style undivided, somewhat clavate. Ovary of disc florets abortive. x = 10, 11.
Species 6, Central and South America; 3 naturalised in sthn Afr., widespread, absent from Northern and Western Cape.