Erect, hispid, annual or perennial herbs. Leaves alternate, simple, sessile to pseudopetiolate. Capitula heterogamous and disciform, solitary or a few together in axils of upper leaves. Involucral bracts narrow, in many rows, outermost shortest. Receptacle hairy, pitted. Outer florets female, very narrowly tubular, with minute lobes. Inner florets bisexual, tubular, widening upwards; lobes 5, triangular. Anthers saggitate at base. Style arms exserted, linear and obtuse at apex. Cypselas ellipsoid, hispid or silky with straight hairs. Pappus of 5-9 free, +/-smooth bristles, sometimes with an additional row of short connate scales.
Species 3, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 2, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Mozambique.
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