Amphibious or aquatic perennial herbs with spreading rhizome or polycephalic rootstock; stem weak, terete or angular; with 4-celled hairs. Leaves in opposite pairs, petiolate, ovate or elliptic, base cuneate, apex acute, margin serrate or dentate; hairs 3- or 6-celled. Inflorescence a dense terminal spike, simple or branched, with 2- or 4-celled hairs. Calyx campanulate, 5- or 10-veined, densely hairy to +/- glabrous outside; teeth 5, ciliate, hairy within. Corolla 4-lobed, 3 lobes forming upper lip, lower lip single-lobed. Stamens 4, all exserted; filaments bearded with dense moniliform hairs towards middle, arising at different heights in corolla tube; anthers 1-thecous. Style exserted; stigma 2-lobed. Nutlets 4, +/- ellipsoid, reticulate-foveate.
Species 90-100, essentially Asian, with 2 species in W trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 2, Angola.
Geniosporum Wall. ex Benth. in part; Hiern: 854 (1900).