Shrubs, evergreen, with woody rootstock. Leaves entire. Flowers solitary. Calyx 5-lobed, lobes valvate, sometimes with 2(3) marginal glands at apex; tube obconical. Petals 0, but outer series of staminodes sometimes considered to be a corolla (Takhtajan 1997). Stamens and antherless staminodes many, united at base and arranged in 4 series: outermost forming a radiate or cup-shaped pseudocorolla with 20-40 pleats; second of many narrowly ligulate staminodes free or partly united; third of staminodes connate for more than lower half and forming a 20-60-lobed cup with lobes inflexed; fourth connate with third and composed of intermixed staminodes and fertile stamens; anthers 1-thecous, dorsifixed. Ovary 5-locular; ovules 2-6 per locule; style short, expanded into a broad, peltate stigma. Fruit a drupe, resembling a pomegranate. Seeds few.
Species 8, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 2 or 3, Angola, Zambia.
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