Minutely glandular herbs. Leaves opposite, subopposite, subternate and subalternate. Inflorescences terminal racemes; pedicels alternate, opposite and subternate, spreading; bracteate at or near base. Calyx subbilabiate, obliquely campanulate, gibbous at back of base, 5-cleft, somewhat accrescent in fruit and usually pendulous; teeth unequal, posterior one broadly ovate and obtuse or apiculate, other teeth narrower and acute. Corolla bilabiate; tube exserted, shortly cylindric to funnel-shaped, slightly curved and gibbous at back near base, throat wide, scarcely oblique; posterior lip shortly 4-lobed, anterior one longer, boat-shaped, entire, enfolding stamens and style. Stamens 4, didynamous, declinate, all fertile, slightly shorter than anterior lip; filaments widening at base and united in a short lamina arising in throat of corolla at base of anterior lip; anthers roundish. Disc fleshy, produced into 4 thick obovoid glands beside base of nutlets. Ovary 4-partite; style shortly exceeding corolla tube; stigma emarginate at apex. Nutlets obovoid, compressed.
Species 1 (2 fide Mabberley 1997: 693), Angola.
Plectranthus L
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