Shrubs, subshrubs, or pyrophytic herbs, sometimes scandent or decumbent, rarely small trees. Leaves usually verticillate, sessile or shortly petiolate, often distinctly crenate or coarsely serrate, sometimes entire. Inflorescence cymose, usually leafy, mostly lax, terminal and/or axillary. Calyx campanulate to subspherical, divided for half its length or often less, frequently red or purple; lobes 4-6, rounded to narrowly triangular, acute to rounded at apex. Corolla irregular, pale to deep blue or a mixture of both, occasionally partly white or yellow; tube 6-12 mm long; basally saccate in front, deeply divided behind at apex; lobes very unequal, forming a +/- 2-lipped limb, anterior lip larger and curved. Ovary glabrous, glandular or hairy; placentas not furcate.
Species +/- 35, tropical and sthn Afr.; sthn trop. Afr. 16, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, and sthn Afr.
Clerodendrum L. subgen. Cyclonema (Hochst.) B.Thomas: 1 (1936); Verdcourt: 86 (1992).
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