Shrubs, pubescent. Leaves shortly petiolate, toothed, often with 2 basal glands on lower side at base, pubescence simple or stellate; stipules minute or 0. Flowers solitary, axillary; peduncle fused to petiole; bracts 2, filiform. Calyx: lobes pubescent with a membranous glabrous margin. Petals arising in calyx throat, shortly clawed. Stamens arising below petals, sometimes hypogynous. Ovary ovoid to cylindrical; ovules pluriseriate; styles spreading; stigmas fimbriate. Capsule globose to ovoid. Seeds globose to obovoid or cylindrical and curved, reticulate; aril membranous, often longer than seed. x = 5 (7, 13) (high polyploidy).
Species +/- 100, mostly South American; 1 in sthn Afr.: Turnera oculata Story with 2 varieties, endemic in N Namibia.