Small glandular-pubescent annuals or perennials becoming woody at base. Leaves sessile, serrate; stipules 0. Flowers in few-flowered axillary racemes. Calyx forming a long, narrow tube, hairy on outside and within in lower half. Petals convolute in bud, arising in throat of calyx, spathulate, yellow or orange. Stamens perigynous, equal, or unequal in length, reaching to mouth of tube. Ovary oblong-ovoid, pubescent; ovules pluriseriate; styles filiform, just over-topping stamens. Capsule ellipsoid, splitting to base, glandular-hispid. Seeds sausage-shaped; testa reticulate, pits with 2 pores; aril unilateral, as long as, or shorter than seed, with a wavy margin.
Species 3, African; l species: Streptopetalum serratum Hochst., recorded from Ethiopia to Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province and Mpumalanga.
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