Wormskioldia Thonn.: 165 (1827); Schreiber: 3 (1968); Obermeyer: 93 (1976).
Annuals or perennials (often chamaephytes), variously hispid and often glandular-pubescent. Leaves linear to narrowly ovate, usually serrate or lobulate to deeply incised; stipules small or 0. Flowers in simple, secund, few- to many-flowered racemes with apical part recurved in bud, accrescent and erect with age, flowers developing one after the other; scape long and thin; pedicels short, somewhat accrescent and often recurved in fruit; bracts small; a few sterile bracts often present on rachis. Calyx usually setiferous on outside, pubescent in lower half inside. Petals obovate, unguiculate, yellow, orange-red or white; claw appressed to calyx tube in upper half, fused to it below; with a ligule or small pustule on upper part of claw. Stamens hypogynous, reaching to throat; filaments filiform, sometimes narrowly winged, occasionally 3 shorter; anthers oblong. Ovary ellipsoid; styles erect, heterostylous; stigmas apical, small, multipartite. Capsule resembling a siliqua of Brassicaceae, terete, usually long and thin, often constricted between the uniseriate seeds, rostrate. Seeds straight, terete, obtuse, reticulate, usually with 2 pores in each cavity; aril unilateral, short.
Species +/- 11, tropical and subtropical Africa; 7 in sthn Afr., in Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province, North-West, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal and Eastern Cape.
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