Nycterinia D.Don: t. 239 (1834); Bentham: 369 (1836a); Bentham: 348 (1846).
Annual or perennial herbs; stems often erect or ascending, sometimes decumbent to prostrate, simple or sparingly branched, leafy throughout or mainly at base, pubescent, hairs often acute, sometimes glandular. Leaves opposite, often subopposite or alternate upwards, all radical or radical and cauline, mostly variously elliptical to ovate, sometimes lanceolate, oblanceolate or spathulate, rarely subrotund or rhomboid-ovate, entire to variously toothed, usually somewhat pubescent, sometimes glabrous, rarely villous. Flowers +/- sessile, in terminal spikes, often capitate or at least dense, sometimes lax, or becoming lax in fruit, erect. Bracts adnate to calyx to varying degrees. Calyx distinctly bilabiate, strongly 5-ribbed and plicate in flower, expanded in fruit; posterior lip 3-toothed; anterior lip usually 2-toothed, occasionally +/- entire; lobes +/- deltoid, pubescent at least on margins. Corolla +/- regular to sometimes bilabiate; tube long, narrow, cylindrical, only slightly expanded in throat, usually pubescent outside, glabrous inside but mouth often bearded with long, acute or clavate hairs; posterior lip exterior in bud; lobes rotate or reflexed (but cleistogamy not uncommon), either entire and variously shaped, or retuse, or Y-shaped and then once or twice bifid, usually glandular outside, glabrous inside or glandular, particularly near mouth. Stamens 4 or 2 (anterior or posterior), didynamous, arising near apex of corolla tube; posterior pair with filaments decurrent to base of tube, forming a channel for style, included; anterior anthers usually smaller, often exserted or tips appearing in mouth; all anthers synthecate, dorsifixed; staminodes rarely present and never consistently so. Nectary on shorter, posterior side of ovary base, either small, rounded, adnate to ovary, or peg-like and free. Ovary bilocular, +/- elliptical, tapering upwards into filiform style; ovules many per locule; stigma flattened, lingulate with 2 marginal bands of stigmatic papillae, often exserted. Fruit a +/- distinctly beaked septicidal capsule with a short loculicidal split at tip of each valve, usually glabrous, rarely a few minute glands at apex. Seeds obscurely angled or distinctly, narrowly winged, pallid or mauve-grey, colliculate; testa thin, tightly investing endosperm. x = 6.
Species 55, tropical and sthn Afr.; 53 in sthn Afr., in all areas except Botswana, annual species concentrated in Western Cape, thinning out north- and eastwards, with 1 isolated on high mountains of East Africa; perennial species mainly in eastern sthn Afr., decreasing northwards but reaching Zimbabwe and Mozambique.