Perennials with procumbent or twining stems. Leaves opposite. Flowers small, in few-flowered umbel-like cymes, sublateral between bases of petioles. Calyx deeply 5-lobed; lobes small, oblong-ovate. Corolla campanulate; tube short; lobes lanceolate, overlapping and twisting to left in bud. Corona of 5 minute lobes or teeth alternating with anthers at their base. Staminal column arising a little above bottom of corolla tube; filamental part very short; anthers oblong, erect, strongly convex at back, with horny margins or wings forming gynostegial grooves, strongly incurved towards centre of flower; appendages suberect, membranous; pollinia pendulous, with very short caudicles. Style produced into a beak beyond anther appendages. Follicles lanceolate-acuminate, smooth. Seeds crowned with a tuft of hairs.
Species 2, E African coast from Somalia to Mozambique, Madagascar, and Aldabra islands; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Pleurostelma cernuum (Decne.) Bullock, Mozambique.
Podostelma K.Schum.; Microstephanus N.E.Br.: 288 (1902/1903).