Scandent shrubs. Leaves opposite, secondary veins distant; stipules and axillary glands absent. Inflorescences : terminal, rather loose panicles; flowers inconspicuous. Calyx small, divided almost to base; sepals imbricate, ovate, obtuse. Corolla somewhat funnel- to salver-shaped; tube +/-cylindric, with 5 longitudinal grooves outside and corresponding ridges inside descending from sinuses to middle and there touching a ring of hairs consisting of 5 suprastaminal arches; mouth naked; lobes linear-oblong or ovate, overlapping to the right. Stamens arising above base of corolla tube; filaments filiform-clavate, short; anthers sagittate, conniving into a cone, included, linear, terminating in a minutely plumose mucro; appendages slightly shorter than polliniferous part; tails short, obtuse, recurved; foot of connective projecting. Disc cupular, 5-lobed, fleshy. Carpels free, slightly inferior, adnate to disc up to or beyond middle; style very short; stigma spindle-shaped, with 2 linear lobes; ovules many, in many rows. Mericarps 2, follicular, lanceolate in outline, divaricate. Seeds oblong, with a long deciduous apical coma; endosperm scanty.
Species 10, W trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 2, Angola.
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