Erect to suberect, scandent or straggling shrub, up to 1 m. high. Younger stems and inflorescences densely sericeous to villous, older ones canescent or glabrescent. Leaves sessile or shortly petiolate; lamina 1.5-3.5 (5) x 1-2 (3.4) cm., ovate or oblong-ovate, apex subacute to acute and usually finely apiculate, base obliquely rotundate or subcordate, subcoriaceous, pale green or glaucous, +/- densely appressed-pilose on both surfaces when young, later villous-canescent or glabrescent, but usually only the midrib beneath remaining sericeous or pubescent, usually with 2-4 small glands underneath near the base; petiole 1-2 (4) mm. long, stout, densely hairy. Flowers 1.5 mm. long, ovate. Sepals 3-4 mm. long, ovate-elliptic, sub-glabrous. Petals 8-10 mm. long, obovate, +/- spathulate, mauve, pinkish or purplish-blue, fimbriate, shortly unguiculate. Stamens with anthers 1.5-2 mm. long, oblong-elliptic; filaments glabrous, somewhat curved. Ovary densely sericeous; styles about 6 mm. long, glabrous. Samara with the lateral wing 2.5-4 cm. in diam., circular, slightly retuse at the apex; dorsal wing +/- developed or much reduced, up to 2.5 x 0.8 cm., obliquely lanceolate.
Triaspis rehmannii Szyszyl.