Ceropegia in sense of Huber: 167 (1957) in part.
Perennials, herbaceous or becoming somewhat woody, twining or with several suberect branches from rootstock with long fleshy roots. Leaves mostly cordate at base. Flowers in laxly branched cymes or in fascicles at 2 or 3 nodes of flowering axis. Sepals usually with scales within base. Corolla with +/- inflated tube; lobes +/- as long as tube, usually connate at tips. Corona (1)2- or 3-seriate, arising from and +/- as long as staminal column; outer corona a shallowly 5-lobed, basin-shaped structure or a 5-lobed collar, with lobes shortly or deeply divided; inner corona lobes linear or subulate or shortly linear-oblong, incurved over anthers, rarely obsolete. Anthers 2-locular, tipped with a short, fleshy appendage or apiculus. Pollinia subglobose or ellipsoid; caudicles short. Follicles terete or fusiform, acuminate, +/- beaded, smooth. Seeds linear or oblong, convex on one side, flat on other, winged, with tuft of hairs at apex.
Species +/- 10, Africa, 1 in India; 7 in sthn Afr., widespread.
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