Small trees, shrubs or lianes with orange latex. Leaves opposite, petiolate with an interpetiolar ridge, entire, ovate to elliptic, with opaque glandular dots. Inflorescences terminal or axillary cymes, cymose panicles or glomerules. Flowers bisexual, regular. Sepals 5, +/-ovate, with longitudinal linear glands, persistent. Petals 5, narrowly obovate, villose within, with longitudinal linear glands or glanddots, caducous. Interstaminal glands 5, glabrous. Stamens in 5 bundles of few to many stamens opposite petals; upper part of filaments free; anthers longitudinally dehiscent. Ovary 5-locular; ovules 5 or more per locule, arranged in 2 rows; styles 5, free, +/-persistent. Fruit a berry. Seeds many, dry; radicle very short.
Species 51, tropical America and Africa (7 spp.); sthn trop. Afr. 4, Angola, Mozambique.
Caopia Adans.; Hiern: 58 (1896).
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