Trees, shrubs or herbs. Leaves opposite, sessile, amplexicaul or shortly petiolate, entire, with translucent glandular dots or linear striae and frequently with dark submarginal glandular dots. Flowers terminal, solitary or cymose, sometimes forming a corymb or panicle, bisexual. Sepals usually 5, equal, subequal or unequal, with translucent gland dots or striae, with or without dark, often submarginal dots and sometimes with stalked marginal glands. Petals usually 5, usually yellow, often red-tinged, asymmetrical, with translucent or dark glandular dots or striae. Stamens usually very numerous, free or connate at base into 3-5 distinct or indistinct groups; filaments thread-like; anthers with or without yellow or black gland. Ovary sessile, ovoid or subround, 3-5-locular, with few to many ovules on parietal placentas in each locule; styles 3-5, free or variously united; stigmas small, capitate. Fruit a septicidal capsule with few to many seeds, rarely indehiscent. Seeds minute, cylindric to ovoid, straight or slightly curved; testa thin, ribbed, punctate or smooth; embryo straight or curved. x = 8 (7, 9, 10) (high polyploidy).
Species +/- 400, widespread in temperate climates; 10 in sthn Afr., widespread, but mainly eastern regions, extending westwards along Cape coastal area to near Riversdale (Western Cape); *Hypericum perforatum L., is an introduced weed in the Western Cape region (Henderson & Anderson 1966).