
Shrubs or small trees 1-6 m high. Leaves ternate, petiole 3-10 mm long; lamina coriaceous, narrowly elliptic, 50-210x10-35 mm, acuminate or acute at apex, cuneate at base. Inflorescence terminal or axillary, thyrsoid, lax. Flowers actinomorphic, ornamental. Calyx free, narrowly triangular to narrowly ovate. Corolla showy, white, pink to wine-red, yellow or salmon; tube infundibuliform; lobes in bud overlapping to the right, obovate, rounded, entire; corona of 5 truncate epipetalous parts, 3-8-lobed. Stamens 5; filaments short, anthers 4-locular, narrowly triangular, fertile at sagittate base, introrse, with filiform apical appendages. Ovary broadly ovoid. Mericarps 2, follicular, narrowly oblong. Seeds oblong with 9-12 mm long tuft of hairs at truncate apex. x = 11.
*Nerium oleander L., a highly poisonous but popular, evergreen garden shrub cultivated for ornament and screening, has toxic, clear, sticky sap; often occurs as an escape, and is a proposed declared invader, especially in rocky and gravelly, usually dry watercourses in semi-arid regions (Henderson 1995).

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