Chlorocodon Hook.f.: t. 5898 (1871a); Brown: 254 (1904); Brown: 541 (1907).
Tall lianas with stems up to 20 m or longer; roots tuberous. Leaves large, ovate, base cordate, apex caudate, petiolate, midgreen; interpetiolar stipules (colleters?) well developed, frill-like. Inflorescences many-flowered in axillary paniculate cymes. Flowers with gynostegium exserted from corolla. Sepals ovate. Corolla subrotate; lobes broadly ovate with obtuse apex, green outside, reddish brown to maroon inside with basal yellow-green nectariferous spot. Corona lobes arising at corolla mouth, free, fused with staminal filaments basally, broadly obcordate, white, with or without pinkish brown dorsal, corniculate segment. Stamens arising from base of corolla; filaments free; anthers 4-locular, triangular, glabrous, apically connivent and connate in a white cone over style head. Style head broadly angularly obovoid. Follicles narrowly ovoid, obtuse, widely to horizontally divergent. Seeds obliquely ovate, keeled on both faces, with apical tuft of hairs.
Species 2, tropical Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: Mondia whitei (Hook.f.) Skeels, KwaZulu-Natal; lianas of the tree canopy of riverine and swamp forest.
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