
Perennial, sinistrorsely twining climbers or much-branched, often rigid to spinescent shrubs up to 1 m high, tomentose to glabrous, greenish, later becoming covered with grey, corky bark; with clear sap; rootstock with fibrous or fusiform roots. Leaves mostly opposite, erect to pendent, pubescent to glabrous, slightly fleshy to coriaceous; petiole 0.5-3 mm long; blade deltoid to linear, often with auriculate base, generally small. Inflorescence extra-axillary, finely pubescent, 1-15-flowered. Sepals divided nearly to base, +/- lanceolate, usually pubescent, green to pink-red. Corolla tube urceolate to tubular or campanulate, 5-angled with prominent ridges descending from bases of lobes, greenish yellow, green, pink or red, inside usually with 5 patches of stiff, downward-pointing golden-yellow hairs; lobes orbicular to deltoid, usually folded inwards along midrib, contorted and twisted, rarely spreading, usually connivent-erect to depressed into mouth of tube and closing it completely. Corolline corona present in some species, as five rounded lobes projecting from walls of corolla tube and alternating with patches of tawny hairs (hairs all round in sect. Haemax). Staminal corona 0. Gynostegium narrowing from base of gynostegial grooves to acute apex. Anthers with membranous apical appendage adpressed to style head, tipped with many intertwined hairs. Pollinia pendulous, mostly flat and long; corpuscle hard, black. Follicles fusiform, pendulous, tapering to long-acute point, glabrous. x = 10, 11.
Species 11 in sthn Afr., Namibia, Namaqualand (Northern Cape), Free State, Western and Eastern Cape.

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