
Gymnema R.Br.: 461 (1810); Brown: 782 (1908); Bullock: 65 (1953a); Schultes: 57 (1820). Dregea E.Mey.: 199 (1837) name conserved; Bullock: 512 (1957).
Perennial vines, lianes or subshrubs. Leaves petiolate, elliptic or ovate to lanceolate, sometimes cordate at base, sometimes acuminate. Flowers in lateral, subaxillary umbels, often 2 opposite umbels from same node in umbellate cymes, or in fascicles along branches of cymes or panicles; peduncles lateral at nodes or axillary. Sepals elliptic, with scales within base. Corolla lobed half-way or more; tube campanulate; lobes reflexed, oblong, oblong-ovate or linear, minutely notched at apex, sometimes hairy within base. Corona arising from corolla tube, either of 5 fleshy lobes channelled on face and adnate up to mouth of corolla tube, or of 5 pairs of fleshy ridges on lower part of corolla tube, alternating with corolla lobes. Staminal column arising from base of corolla. Corona of 5 fleshy lobes arising from and adnate to staminal column, with free tips and often with free margins, sometimes with tubercle-like projections at base which are sometimes confluent and look like an outer corona. Anthers 2-locular, terminated by membranous appendages which are free or connate and +/- incumbent on top of style apex or applied to side of its conical tip or beak. Pollinia sessile, linear-oblong, ellipsoid or linear, erect in each anther theca, with short caudicles. Style head conical or cylindrical, mitre-shaped, produced beyond staminal column. Follicles often winged, smooth or sometimes hairy. Seeds many with narrow, marginal wing, convex-concave. x = 11.
Species over 300, in Mediterranean, Africa, Asia, Malesia, Melanesia, Australia and Central and South America.; 3 in sthn Afr., widespread except in Free State, Lesotho and Western Cape.

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