Perennal vines or subshrubs, glabrous. Leaves opposite. Inflorescences umbel-like cymes or umbels. Calyx 5-partite, small, ovate-acuminate. Flowers small or of moderate size. Corolla campanulate, often constricted at the throat; lobes erect to spreading, overlapping to the left. Corona of 5 small, wart-like fleshy lobes with basal parts adnate to staminal column. Anthers 2-locular, terminated by membranous appendages which are free or connate. Pollinia sessile, erect, attached by short to elongated caudicles. Style head conical or truncate. Follicles with a thick pericarp, smooth, sometimes winged. Seeds crowned with a tuft of hairs.
Species +/-20, Old World tropics; sthn trop. Afr. 8, Angola, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Malawi, Mozambique, and sthn Afr.
Dregea E.Mey.; Bullock: 512 (1957); Binns: 20 (1968). Gymnema R.Br.; White: 359 (1962); Binns: 21 (1968). Marsdenia of various authors, in part, not of R.Br.; Norman & Moore: 97 (1929); Bullock: 364 (1954); Bullock: 287 (1955b); Bullock: 510 (1956); Bullock: 510 (1957); White: 359 (1962).
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