Erect perennial herbs, sometimes bushy or scandent, sometimes flowering in first year. Leaves opposite, entire, petiolate. Inflorescence a +/- slender, simple or branched, elongated solitary or fasciculate spike up to 0.3 m long, terminal on stem and branches, flowers at first congested and +/- patent, finally usually laxer and deflexed; bracts deltoid, ovate or acuminate, midrib excurrent in a spine, deflexed in fruit, persistent. Flowers bisexual, solitary in axils of bracts; bracteoles 2, spinous-aristate with excurrent midrib, lamina forming short and free to longer and adnate membranous wings; entire flower with bracteoles falling with ripening of seed. Tepals 4 or 5, 1-3(-5)-nerved, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate, mucronate with excurrent midrib, indurated in fruit especially at base. Stamens 2-5; filaments filiform, monadelphous at base, alternating with usually fringed pseudostaminodes; anthers 2-thecous. Ovary turbinate or obovoid; ovule solitary from apex of an elongated basal funicle; style cylindrical, variable in length; stigma capitellate. Capsule thin-walled, indehiscent. Seed cylindrical; perisperm/endosperm copious. x= 7 (aneuploids, high polyploidy ).
Species 6-8, warm temperate and tropical regions of the Old World; 1 in sthn Afr.: Achyranthes aspera L. with 3 varieties, widespread and very variable in robustness.