Robust, erect, annual or perennial herbs; stem sparingly branched and wiry, glabrous; taproot slender. Leaves pinnate or bipinnate, with ultimate segments elliptic to broadly obovate, toothed along margins; segments of upper leaves narrower. Flowers in large, compound, showy, many-rayed, terminal umbels; involucres conspicuous, of several pinnate bracts. Calyx with obsolete teeth. Petals ovate, white. Fruit narrowly oblong, glabrous, with pale, narrow ribs; oil ducts 6, 4 in furrows, 2 on inner face. Seeds dorsally compressed. x = 10, 11.
Species 3 or 4, Europe, Asia and Africa; 1 in sthn Afr.: * Ammi majus L. var. glaucifolium (L.) Godron, Lace-plant; cultivated for decorative purposes and has become naturalised in several places in sthn Afr.