Woody climbers. Leaves opposite, petiolate, glabrous, rather thick, elliptic to oblong-ovate or subrotund, apex abruptly acuminate, base cordate; stipular fringes interpetiolar, reflexed, leathery, subpersistent. Inflorescences lax lateral panicles. Calyx small; sepals 5, almost free. Corolla rotate, deeply 5-lobed almost to base; lobes elliptic-ovate, rounded at apex. Corona annular, shortly 5-lobed; lobes emarginate, adnate to base of stamens. Stamens 5, arising inside corona; filaments short, free; anthers 4-locular, erect, narrowly oblong, cohering apically by triangular appendices over style head; translators (pollen presenters) with a rhomboid, deeply divided blade on a short slender stalk; pollen granular, in tetrads. Style head shortly conical. Follicles fusiform, shortly beaked, +/-woody, suberect, connate at base. Seeds ovate-lanceolate, flattened, acutely keeled on one side, blackish, fringed all around margin, but more densely at two ends, with very long white hairs.
Monotypic genus: Batesanthus purpureus N.E.Br., trop. W Africa; sthn trop. Afr.: Angola.
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