Elphegea subg. Zyrphelis (Cass.) Less.: 183 (1832). Mairia sect. Zyrphelis (Cass.) DC.: 218 (1836a). Mairea sect. Zyrphelis (Cass.) Harv.: 64 (1865). Mairea sect. Homochroma (DC.) Harv.: 64 (1865).
Subshrubs or basally lignescent herbs with vestiture of stout, thick-based, usually spreading hairs, sometimes also lightly tomentose; stems prominently branching. Leaves alternate, linear or spathulate, entire, almost all cauline or less commonly basally disposed. Capitula radiate, terminal, solitary, rarely corymbosely arranged, 3-12(-18) mm wide. Involucralbracts with broad, scarious margins, strongly concave. Receptacle epaleate. Rayflorets female, strap-shaped, fertile; corolla white, blue or yellow. Discflorets functionally male, sterile (but fertile in Z. perezioides), tubular, 5-toothed; corolla yellow. Cypselas oblong-obovate, 2-nerved, strongly flattened, moderately to densely strigose-sericeous with filiform hairs or glabrous. Pappus of caducous, plumose bristles, in a single row.
Species 10, subtropical Africa; 9 in sthn Afr., Western Cape.
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