Terrestrial herbs, slender, dwarf. Leaves linear or ovate, with broad sheathing base. Inflorescences dense or elongate spikes; flowers not resupinate, scarcely opening, white with yellow lip; bracts longer than flowers. Sepals subequal, median one erect, concave; laterals spreading, free. Petals narrow, often cohering with median sepal to form hood. Lip shortly adnate to base of gynostemium, concave or subsaccate at base, with or without pair of calli inside, +/- contracted in middle, dilated at apex into entire or bilobed limb. Gynostemium: anther shortly apiculate; pollinia 2, with caudicle attached to broad, rounded viscidium; stigmas 2, lateral. Capsule small, erect, ovoid or subglobose. x= 10 (aneuploids, high polyploidy).
Species +/- 76, in Old World tropics and subtropics; 1 in sthn Afr.: Zeuxine africana Rchb.f., Botswana, also near Durban (KwaZulu-Natal).
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