
Rhizomatous herb, with parts above ground deciduous; roots long, fleshy, swollen. Stem reduced to a stout tuber, subcylindric. Leaves 1-several, pinnately compound, subtended by several basal cataphylls; petiole stout, with basal part swollen and subpersistent, geniculate at apex; pinnae oblong, alternate, deciduous, giving rise to new plants by formation of bulbils at base under suitable conditions. Inflorescence 1 or 2, appearing with leaves, borne at leaf base near ground level. Spathe borne on short peduncle, convolute at base forming a short tube, limb expanded or spreading, reflexed at anthesis, persistent. Spadix subequal to spathe; female flowers borne on lower third, male flowers on upper two thirds, separated by a constricted zone bearing sterile flowers. Flowers with 4 free, decussate, clavate perianth segments. Male flowers with 4 stamens; filaments short, free; anthers opening by lateral slits; pollen filiform; pistil central, rudimentary, clavate. Female flowers with ovoid pistil, without staminodes; ovary 2-locular, subglobose; locules uniovulate; style short; stigma capitate. Fruit a berry, globose, white, 1- or 2-seeded. Seeds ellipsoid, brown. x= 17.
Species 1: Zamioculcas zamiifolia (Lodd.) Engl., endemic to eastern and southeastern tropical Africa, extending into N KwaZulu-Natal.

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