Pseudocadia Harms: 162 (1902); Phillips: 399 (1951).
Very tall trees with rounded crowns. Leaves pulvinate, imparipinnate; leaflets 3-4-jugate, unpleasant-smelling when bruised; stipules small. Flowers white, cream or yellow, in axillary racemes with small, caducous bracts. Calyx with campanulate tube, shortly lobed. Petals 5, arising at base of calyx tube, unequal, with linear claw, imbricate; vexillum small, gradually broadened from claw, hairy. Stamens 10, arising with petals, connate at base, with vexillary stamen free; anthers oblong. Disc annular. Ovary stipitate, linear, with few to several ovules; style short, with lateral stigma. Fruit drupaceous, ellipsoid, indehiscent. Seeds solitary, with black testa.
Species 2, Africa and Madagascar; 1 in sthn Afr.: Xanthocercis zambesiaca (Baker) Dumaz-le-Grand (= Pseudocadia zambesiaca (Baker) Harms), Northern Province.
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