Annual or perennial herbs, usually climbing by means of tendrils. Leaves mostly paripinnate; petioles of all or upper leaves ending in a simple or branched tendril or a recurved bristle; leaflets entire or toothed; stipules semisagittate, often fimbriate or toothed. Flowers often blue, purple or yellow, 1 or few in leaf axils or racemose; bracts usually minute and caducous. Calyx tubular, often oblique at base; lobes subequal or 2 upper the shortest. Petals: vexillum obovate or oblong, clawed; wings obliquely oblong, adherent to middle of keel; keel shorter than wings. Stamens: vexillary stamen free or +/- connate with others. Ovary subsessile or shortly stalked; ovules (2-)many; style compressed dorsally, usually pubescent at apex. Pod oblong to linear, compressed. Seeds globose or rarely compressed. x= 5, 6, 7, 11 ( polyploidy, B-chromosomes).
Several introduced species have become naturalised in sthn Afr. near cultivated land.
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