Annual or perennial herbs, suffrutices or shrubs. Leaves simple, lobed or digitately divided, serrate or crenate, often several-nerved from base; stipules lateral. Flowers borne in cymes in terminal inflorescences or at nodes. Sepals 5, usually linear and with a short horn just behind the apex, usually stellately hairy without. Petals 5, linear to obovate, narrowed towards base, often hairy at base or just above it, yellow or orange. Stamens 4-40, raised on a short, glabrous androgynophore or torus with a glandular patch just above each petal base, apex of androgynophore produced into a ciliate or pubescent or villous disc or annulus between which and the ovary stamens arise. Ovary often tubercled or echinulate, each tubercle surmounted by one or more minute bristles; 2-5-locular with 2 pendulous collateral ovules in each locule or falsely 10-locular by the intrusion of longitudinal false septa; style terete, +/- as long as stamens; stigma entire or very shortly 2-5-lobed. Fruit a usually globose, sometimes ovoid, echinate or setose capsule, indehiscent or dividing into 2-5 valves with 1 or 2 seeds per locule. Seeds obovoid or subreniform; testa rather leathery and brown; embryo straight; cotyledons flat, suborbicular; endosperm fleshy, scanty. x = 8 (high polyploidy).
Species +/- 100, widely distributed in the tropics and subtropics but particularly common in Africa; 10 in sthn Afr., Namibia, Botswana, Northern Province, North-West, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, Swaziland, KwaZulu-Natal, Lesotho and Eastern Cape. Many species are weeds of cultivation and waste places and early colonisers of fallows or abandoned cultivation; others are frequent in forest clearings and forest margins; many are used for the production of native fibres.
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