
Annual or perennial herbs, usually hairy, prostrate or ascending. Leaves opposite, petiolate, toothed or pinnately cut with segments few, narrow. Capitula radiate; on long peduncles, solitary. Involucre campanulate; bracts in 2 or 3 rows. Receptacle flat or convex, paleate; paleae membranous, keeled but scarcely clasping disc florets, persistent. Ray florets female, fertile; corolla yellow or creamy, strap-shaped. Disc florets bisexual, fertile; corolla yellow or greenish, cylindric, 5-lobed or 5-toothed. Anthers with bases sagittate; apical appendages narrowly deltoid. Style branches of ray florets shortly linear-lanceolate; of disc florets much longer, acuminate with subulate appendage, hairy on outer faces. Cypselas obconical, villous. Pappus of many plumose bristles. x = 9 (3, 10) (polyploidy).
Species 30, Central and South America; * Tridax procumbens L., a pantropical weed, is occasionally found in the Northern Province, Mpumalanga, Swaziland and KwaZulu-Natal.

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