Ifloga Cass. in part, Hilliard: 297 (1981b). Petalactella N.E.Br.: 100 (1894).
Ericoid perennial herbs, shrublets or shrubs, rarely annuals. Leaves alternate, sessile, often adaxially concave, tomentose on adaxial surface only (hair type B), eglandular, margins involute, entire. Capitula disciform, few together along axis. Involucralbracts papery, brownish, transparent; at least inner bracts +/- hairy on abaxial surface; stereome divided. Receptacle flat, epaleate. Marginalflorets female, purple, filiform, more numerous than disc florets. Discflorets functionally male; corolla yellow, cylindric below, campanulate above, lobes erect. Anthers ecalcarate, with short tails; apical appendage flat, as wide as thecae; endothecial tissue polarised. Style undivided, with obtuse sweeping hairs distally. Cypselas small, oblong, glabrous or with short, clavate, nonmyxogenic twin hairs; epidermis smooth. Pappus of free, apically plumose, capillary bristles in 1 row, basally without patent cilia.
Species 9, endemic to sthn Afr., Namibia, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape, 1 extending to Free State and S Mpumalanga.
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