
Robust lianas, glabrous. Leaves simple, ovate or ovate-lanceolate, entire, penninerved, with nerves prominent below, the two lateral basal ones often especially so. Inflorescences variably dense pseudoracemes, often cauliflorous, few-flowered, axillary or from old stems, or in axillary, solitary, sometimes 1-flowered cymules. Male flowers: sepals 6-12, outer bract-like, outermost smaller than inner 3, +/- fleshy or coriaceous; petals 3-6; stamens 3-9, free or +/- connate; anthers introrse, with oblique or longitudinal dehiscence. Female flowers similar to male; staminodes 0; carpels (3-)8-12(-30), borne on an apparent gynophore. Drupelets ovoid, stipitate, with remains of stigma near stipe; exocarp glabrescent, smooth or verrucose; endocarp bony, horseshoe-shaped, without prominent ridges or tubercles; condyle narrowly obovate. Seed with endosperm ruminate, sparse or 0; embryo curved; cotyledons fleshy, appressed, often unequal. x= 13 (12) (1 report).
Species +/- 20, in Old World tropical regions, mainly in Africa, 2 in SE Asia; 1 in sthn Afr.: Tiliacora funifera (Miers) Oliv., Mpumalanga and N KwaZulu-Natal.

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