Trees, usually small in our area but sometimes very tall elsewhere, or rarely shrubs, without scales or microscopic stalked glands. Leaves usually alternate, often crowded at ends of branches, sometimes on short shoots, rarely opposite, petiolate or subsessile, usually entire but occasionally subcrenate, often with 2 or more glands at or near base of lamina or on petiole. Flowers usually bisexual and male in the same inflorescence (rarely all bisexual), usually in axillary spikes with male flowers towards apex and bisexual ones towards base, rarely in terminal panicles; male flowers stalked, stalks resembling pedicels but corresponding to lower receptacle with abortion of ovary; bisexual flowers sessile. Receptacle divided into a lower and an upper part, often scarcely developed, expanding into a shallow cup terminating in sepals (or calyx lobes). Petals 0. Stamens usually 10, exserted. Disc intrastaminal. Style free, not expanded at apex. Ovary completely inferior. Fruit a pseudocarp, very variable in size and shape but usually 2-winged, usually with an, at least partially, sclerenchymatous endocarp. Seeds: cotyledons (where known) spirally convolute. x = 12 (7, 13) (high polyploidy, B-chromosomes).
Species 250, fairly cosmopolitan, throughout tropics and extending to subtropics; 7 in sthn Afr., widespread except in Free State, Lesotho, Western and Eastern Cape.