
(Blume) Rchb.f.
Loranthus sect. Tapinanthus Blume: 15 (1830). Acranthemum Tiegh.: 255 (1895).
Aerial, hemiparasitic shrubs of varying sizes from +/- 0.5-2 m or higher, glabrous to puberulous or velvety. Leaves mostly opposite, sessile to petiolate. Inflorescence 2-16 in axillary or clustered umbels at older nodes, shortly pedunculate; bract saucer-shaped to cupular. Flowers 5-merous. Calyx saucer-shaped to cupular or occasionally shortly tubular. Corolla with tube much longer than lobes, opening with a V-split, usually pink to purplish; basal swelling well formed; lobes attenuate to spathulate, conspicuously reflexed. Filaments arising near top of corolla tube, short, linear, inflexed to inrolled; anthers 4-thecous, short. Style swollen opposite filaments, constricted above; stigma small, obovoid to capitate. Berry oblong-ellipsoid to globose, often somewhat urceolate to the persistent calyx, smooth to papillose, usually ripening red. x = 9.
Species +/- 30, tropics and subtropics of Africa; +/- 4 in sthn Afr., widespread.

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