Lianes with slender stems. Leaves simple, clothed with long, stiff, spreading hairs; petiole slender. Inflorescence: flowers axillary, solitary or paired. Male flowers: sepals 9, inner 3 connate into a pseudocorolla, outer 6 much smaller than inner ones; petals 6; stamens 6-9, connate at base, outer 3(6) much shorter than inner ones, anthers with suboblique dehiscence. Female flowers: sepals and petals as in male; staminodes 0; carpels 15-20. Drupe obovoid to ellipsoid; endocarp crustaceous, velutinous; condyle lamelliform. Seeds: endosperm absent; embryo curved, cotyledons thick, appressed, unequal.
Monotypic: Synclisia scabrida Miers, C Africa; sthn trop. Afr.: Angola.
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