Belvala Adans.: 285 (1773) name rejected.
Shrubs or shrublets. Leaves opposite or sometimes alternate, sessile, entire. Flowers sessile, solitary, rarely 2, in axils of upper leaves, forming a spike-like inflorescence; bracteoles 2. Calyx: hypanthium cylindric, sometimes slightly inflated above, circumscissile just above apex of ovary. Sepals 4, equal, petaloid. Petals 4, 8, or 12, fleshy, subterete, shorter than sepals, surrounded by stiff hairs. Stamens 4, antipetalous, arising from deep in throat of hypanthium, included; anthers subsessile, basifixed, introrse, narrowly ellipsoid, sometimes with an apical appendage. Scales 0. Disc 0 or surrounding base of ovary. Ovary 1-locular, with single ovule; style arising laterally, included; stigma usually penicillate, occasionally subcapitate. Fruit an achene, enclosed in persistent base of hypanthium.
Species 42, Northern, Western and Eastern Cape to S KwaZulu-Natal; mostly restricted to the coastal regions.
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