
Trees up to 30 m high; bark secreting a sticky red resin; young branches angular or 2-winged. Leaves simple, entire with secondary veins distinct on lower surface. Inflorescences short axillary or extra-axillary panicles or 6- to 25-flowered fascicles. Flowers bisexual, regular, white to yellowish. Calyx short, 4-toothed, green. Petals 4, free except at base, narrowly elliptic, fleshy, glabrous. Stamens 4, epipetalous, adpressed against inner face of petals; filaments short, broad; anthers narrowly elliptic. Ovary half-inferior to almost completely sunk in a +/- quadrangular, 4-lobed, glabrous, fleshy disc; 4-locular, with 1 pendent ovule per locule from a central placenta; style short, conical, ending in a 4-toothed stigma. Fruit a drupe with accrescent petiole almost entirely enclosing fruit, with 4 calyx teeth at apex of fruit. Seed solitary, with brownish red endosperm.
Species 3, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Strombosiopsis tetrandra Engl., Angola.

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