Erect perennial herbs, subshrubs or shrubs up to 3m high; young parts glabrous or +/- pubescent. Leaves opposite, petiolate, narrowly elliptic to obovate, up to 350 mm long, densely whitish-tomentose underneath; stipules reddish, 30-40 mm long, broadly ovate, acute, persistent, glabrous or hairy at base. Inflorescences axillary, capitate, with several sessile heterostylous flowers enclosed in a deep, campanulate, (3)4-lobed bracteate involucre. Calyx tubular with 5 pubescent lobes. Corolla tubular; lobes 5, spreading. Stamens: anthers very narrowly elliptic, apiculate, subsessile, partly exserted in brevistylous flowers, deeply hidden in longistylous ones. Ovary (2)3-5-locular, glabrous, with long narrow placentas bearing many ovules; style glabrous, ending in (2)3-5 narrowly elliptic stigmatic lobes. Fruit succulent, fleshy, globose, bright red when ripe. Seeds many, small, brown.
Species 2, trop. Africa; sthn trop. Afr. 1: Stipularia africana P.Beauv., Angola, Zambia.
Sabicea Aubl. in part; Hepper: 289 (1958).
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